Order through ISM Edutech and save 10% at Mr. Su's.

Get exclusive student discounts and enjoy 10% off at Mr. Su’s. Just mention you are from ISM Edutech. . Ensure your minimum order value is 10 pounds to avail of this fantastic deal. Use the promo code (ISMEDUTECH2024) while checking out and enjoy your meal with a discount. Website:


Unlock delicious deals exclusively for students! ISM Edutech is thrilled to announce its collaboration with   Mr. Su’s, bringing you mouthwatering savings on every order placed.

How It Works?

Browse the diverse menu of our food items and services.

Select the desired food items that you want to have (minimum order value 10 pounds) and proceed to checkout.

Use promo code to get a 10% discount automatically applied to your Mr. Su’s order.

Enjoy a seamless ordering experience and indulge in your favourite dishes while saving big—it’s that simple!

Why Choose ISM Edutech?

Mr. Su's: Where flavor meets value!

Your brain and belly will thank you!

Mr. Su's: Your Study Break Powerhouse!

Mr. Su's Outlet

Mr Su’s Noodles and Dumplings

24 Black, Blenheim Ter, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9HD, United Kingdom

+44 113 226 9283

Mr Su's

Ground floor Unit Vita Student St Albans St Albans Place, Cross Belgrave Street, Leeds, LS2 8JP


Mr Su's

Ground Floor 24 Blenheim Terrace Woodhouse Lane Woodhouse LS2 9HD

Mr Su’s

7 Nobel Wy., Manchester M1 7FU, United Kingdom